We Review "30 Days to Make and Sell an Ebook"
I rarely recommend ebooks. They often seem to be more about making money for the author than providing any useful info, and I can count on two hands the number of "books" I've downloaded that have been nothing more than poorly-written pamphlets with tips that most anyone can pick up on their own. There are two reasons I decided to purchase Angela England's 30 Days to Make and Sell and Ebook, however. 1) I wanted to write my own ebook, and really didn't know where to start 2) I respect and adore Ms. England. I've met her in person, and I can vouch for her talent and smarts.
What's to Love
I knew right away that this book was worth the $11.99 price tag. It was well-formatted, with no typos or errors, and could be read easily from both my PC and iPad. I did have a bit of trouble getting my download after purchase, but that could have had more to do with my email spam settings than anything else. After contacting Angela about my issue, she took care of it right away.
The content of the book was what you would expect.. plus some. It had all the info you need for setting attainable goals towards writing, formatting, proofing, marketing, and finally selling your book. She provides tips for how to convert your book into a PDF, as well as how to set up a successful launch campaign. I was really impressed with how thorough the book was -- it covered EVERYTHING!
How to Use It
Finally, this ebook was just what I needed to get off my butt and get started with my own ebook. I'll admit that due to my busy travel schedule, I've not finished my own within the 30 days, as I originally set out to do. It's not because of lack of trying, however. I have a high-needs infant son who makes sure I don't get a lot done during my more "clear" hours of the day. I do have confidence that I can pull it off now, however, and I credit Angela's straight-forward tips and encouraging advice for that.
The best part of the book is the support group that you get with the price of the book. You will have access to a forum of others with experience, as well as those who are working on their own ebooks for the first time via the Type-A Mom forum. Only those who buy the book can view or share in it, and that's a nice add-on that Angela took some care to include. I know that when I get to a place where I may need some additional inspiration, the support community can likely fill in the gap. (You will also want to check out the Facebook page for additional tips and tricks.)
The Bottom Line
One final thing to note is that 30 Days to Make and Sell an Ebook is timely and current with today's tools for creating and marketing an eproduct, but I don't foresee it becoming obsolete any time soon. Even if some of the tools mentioned in the book were to go away, principles for creating a book and getting the word out are timeless.
Skip buying separate books for creating, marketing, and selling your digital product. Whether it's an ebook, guide, or training course, this tutorial will get you there with less stress. You can find it for purchase via our handy link. (Affiliate links were used in this review. You help to support the 1099 Mom site when you shop!)
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