Ask 1099 Mom: How Do I Become a Virtual Assistant?

With the rise in businesses seeking to have an Internet presence as well as the success of bloggers, the field of virtual assistant work continues to rise.  Working as a virtual assistant is a convenient job for a WAHM to have because the schedule is often flexible; you can work around your family’s schedule as long as you get the work done by the designated deadline.

Virtual assistants can do a variety of tasks from making phone calls to interacting with clients to answering e-mails; the tasks largely depend on the employer.  However, if you can type, understand directions easily, work independently, produce quality work, and work well with others, you may be suited to be a virtual assistant.

There are several different ways to find a virtual assistant job.  You can begin by looking at sites such as and, but be advised that on these sites you will be competing with other virtual assistants around the world who can offer lower rates.  Other places to look where you can find better rates include The Work at Home Wife, Work at Home Mom Revolution, and Problogger’s Job Board.

Once you secure a job, your priority should be to excel at your tasks and meet the deadlines your employer imposes.  Often, the key to a successful virtual assistant career is through word-of-mouth referrals.  If you have a satisfied client, she will likely hire you again, as well as tell her business associates about your work.  This will lead to more jobs, which will eventually put you in the enviable position of having clients come to you rather than searching for more clients, which allows you more time to work and grow your business.

There is a large demand for virtual assistant work.  Because the job has flexible hours, it is often a perfect fit for a work at home mom looking to make some extra money. (Looking for more info on what a successful career as a virtual assistant may look like? Check out our "I Want to Be a Virtual Assistant" interview!)

Have you worked as a virtual assistant before?  What was your experience like?

*Photo by Shane Pop

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  1. You knew I would show up here first thing, didn't you? I love this home business model! It can be such a confusing field to newcomers however. Virtual assistants can dip their toes into so many pools. Some are accountants, some are social media managers, some are project leads, some handle a little of everything required to run an online business.

    I think that is why I love this opportunity so much. Variety.

  2. That's exactly what my VA says.. LOL. I couldn't live without her, and I think that we forget that even the smallest one-person business can benefit from a VA -- even part time. Thanks for the kind words!

  3. Great advice here! I would just add that that persistence is always the key to success!


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