Picks and Promos: Ad Sales Rep Jobs and Free Bowling!

We have a new feature here on 1099 Mom, thanks to the requests we have been receiving lately.  The first part of these posts will be job opportunities that we have found for 1099 employment from home.  The second is a sampling of great deals, giveaways, and promotions that are perfect for work-at-home moms!

(Note: we cannot verify each job listing.  Please use caution when applying for any job.  If you find that one we have listed is fraudulent, please let us know in the comments.  Likewise, if you land a job or win a prize we have listed, we would love to hear about it!)


MarketSense hiring at-home, freelance workers in the following areas: web design, graphic design, multimedia, art direction and copywriting

U-Haul part-time, work-at-home phone agents (not 1099, pays $9.25 hour)

Asurion home phone reps needed 

The Old Schoolhouse Magazine is hiring ad sales reps!  More info:
Training sessions for this position will be forming in the next few weeks. Interviews will begin next week. Donna Campos, our director of advertising sales, will contact you if you are selected to be interviewed. If you're interested, tell me what you can bring to the table. You DO NOT need sales experience, because we provide full training. Just provide some background information about yourself and share why you believe you would make a good TOS sales rep. Contact directly at publisher@thehomeschoolmagazine.com with "Sales Rep" in the subject line. 


Free Subscription to PC World Magazine

Win 6 books for programmers from AppSumo

Try SEO Profiler for FREE (and find out what keywords your competitors use)

Sign up for UPS My Choice and find out when your packages will be coming! (FREE)

Enter the P&G “Let the Games Begin” contest, and you could win a $5,000 home theater package.

Free Bowling Party for Kids on June 2nd!

*Photo by TheGirlsNY via flickr.

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