Picks & Promos: HGTV Bloggers Needed and FREE Black Tea Samples!
Welcome to our weekly Picks and Promos spotlight, where we highlight some of the job opportunities that we have found for 1099 and other employment from home. The second is a sampling of great deals, giveaways, and promotions that are perfect for work-at-home moms!
- Motley Fool STILL needs bloggers (pays $50 - 100 per post)
- Contently needs writers, bloggers, and videographers
- Work from home mortgage loan processor
- Grammy and Oscar bloggers w/ 100,000 Twitter followers needed
- After-hours support specialist at 5-Star Tutoring ($5 per msg/ $9 per call)
- HGTV's FrontDoor.com needs real estate writers in several markets
- Speech language pathologist needed for work-at-home position
- Fiverr needs content creators (100 articles needed)
- Contently is hiring journalists with experience
- Savvy Steals needs fashion bloggers (pays $25-50/post)
- Money Street Smart needs a personal finance blogger (competitive pay)
- Appointment setters needed for Bluebeard Interactive ($20/hr)
- Join Sverve and get sampling and paid post opportunities for your blog
- Get a FREE subscription to Black Enterprise magazine from Wells Fargo
- Sign up for a FREE Lipton Black Tea sample!
- Enter to win a diabetes tool kit daily.
- Enter to win a $50 Sam's Club Gift Card from Lille Punkin'!
(Note: we cannot verify each job listing. Please use caution when applying for any job. If you find that one we have listed is fraudulent, please let us know in the comments. Likewise, if you land a job or win a prize we have listed, we would love to hear about it! Aff links and sponsored content are used in this post.)
*photo by RichardGlenSailors via Flickr.
*photo by RichardGlenSailors via Flickr.
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