How to Become a Professional Organizer

Today’s “I Want to Be” series features Lisa Woodruff. Lisa is passionate about sharing her love of organization and the freedom an organized life brings through her blog, speaking engagements and eBooks. Lisa lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband of 18 years and their 2 children. Lisa blogs at Organize 365. Find out how to connect with Lisa at the end of this article.

How long have you had your business? 

I have been an entrepreneur for 15 years. My latest business, Organize 365, is 18 months old.

What led you to pursue it? 

Our family needed me to have a full-time income, but my full-time teaching job was getting in the way of my kids frequent IEP meetings and doctor appointments. I started 2012 at home for my kids and needing a good income - quickly! I decided that since my 40th birthday was looming I would do what I really was passionate about - helping others live a more organized life. At first I thought that would just be as a professional organizer. However, Organize 365 also incorporates my  love of training direct sales leaders to get organized and use their direct sales business as a vessel to grow their brand and serve a niche of people.

Are you part-time or full-time? 


How do you market your business? 

I market through Facebook, my blogs, YouTube, speaking engagements and internet ads.

What is your favorite part of the business? 

The light bulb that goes on when I am helping someone organize their home or their direct sales business. I organize like I was taught. Every system is custom designed for the user. When you really listen, you can organize a space or help plan a business model that will really make the customer come alive. I love when my customers take ownership of the tools I give them, and they don't "need' me anymore.

What one question do you get most from people about your business?  

 When do I sleep. :)

What one myth or misconception do you want to dispel about the work you do?   

If you are starting to get organized, or growing a direct sales business, it takes WORK. It will not be easy, or quick, but it WILL be worth it. There isn't a magic wand or class you can take to jump to the "next level"; you just learn and grow one step at a time.

What advice do you have for others who want to get into a similar opportunity?  

I LOVE direct sales. I think it is an amazing value and a great way to get started in your own business. Pick one. :) Seriously though, I now offer a one hour consultation after completing a survey to help people find the best direct sales company for them. I have worked in and with so many GREAT direct sales companies. There really is a good fit for anyone who want to join!

What is the first step?   

START. Start decluttering. Start your business. Start listening to training. Once you start you can get guidance and grow.

What websites or books do you recommend for tips? 

If you are in direct sales, I have created a membership site that provides video training in the areas of organization, sales, leadership and branding.

To learn more about Lisa, stop by her website, or her blog, Organize 365. You can also follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

*Photo by bluishorange via Flickr.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the interview! I love your site.

    I had 9 1099's on year! I love my accountant.



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