Wonder How Blogging Super Heroes Do It All? They Don't!
By Melissa Batai
Do you read Crystal Paine's blog, Money Saving Mom, and scratch your head in amazement at how she is able to exercise regularly, homeschool her three children, speak at conferences, read at least 50 books a year, oh, and run a highly successful blog?
Do you find recipes on Erin Chase's $5 Dinner Blog and
wonder how she has time to raise four active young boys, develop recipes,
create and host conferences, write cookbooks, and run several blogs?
If you're not careful, you can quickly start to feel
inadequate. After all, how can these
woman juggle so many jobs and responsibilities while you feel like a good day
is getting your paying work done for the day, caring for the kids and cooking a
meal? Never mind housekeeping or exercising
or getting enough sleep.
Well, stop beating yourself up about this. If you don't know already, realize that these
women and the many other highly successful bloggers out there don't do it
alone. Even if they don't share this on
their blogs, they have a team that works behind the scenes to help them
"do it all."
Crystal Paine has stated on her blog that she has a team
that handles everything from advertising, to giveaways, to writing blog
posts. She tried to do it all until
after the birth of her last child when she realized that trying to be supermom
and do it all was destroying her life.
Her about page shares just
how large her team is including some of her brothers and sisters as well as
nine others.
In an interview I did with Erin Chase, she also shared that
she has a team to rely on including a nanny for her children as well as two
others who help her with her blog.
Next time you wonder how a work at home mom blogger does it all, you'll know the answer is simple--she probably doesn't. Don't compare your life and business success to hers, especially if you don't have help. There's no way you, or people like Paine and Chase, can do it all. Go ahead and admire them for the amazing work they do, but stop comparing yourself with unrealistically high expectations.
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