How to Actually Get Work Done with Kids in the House
By Melissa Batai
Part of the joy of working at home is that you get to take care of your children during the day. If you have young children or you homeschool, getting your work done can often be a challenge, though. Sure, you can hire a babysitter for uninterrupted work time, but if you can't afford a babysitter or chose not to hire one, there are strategies you can use to draw more time out of your day to get work done.
1. Get up before the kids do or work after they go to sleep. If you can get up an hour or two before your kids do, you'll find that you can get a lot accomplished in a still quiet house. If you're a night owl, try doing your work later at night, after the kids have gone to bed.
2. Train the kids to
have quiet time. This will take some
time and effort, but you can train your children to have quiet time. For 30 to 60 minutes, have the kids do
something quietly. To make this work
best, each child should have a separate place to work independently or read
books quietly. During this time, you can
get work done.
3. Work during
television time. Most kids are allowed
one or two shows a day to watch. Rather
than using this time to cook or clean, use this time to work. I sit out with my kids and do my work while
they watch Arthur or school related videos.
If you give the kids more than an hour, though, they tend to get
restless (at least mine do).
4. Work while the
kids are playing well together. My kids
like to bicker just like other kids, but there are those moments when all 3
play together cooperatively. During that
time, squeeze in some work time.
For many moms, their children are the reason why they work
at home. Still, finding time to work
while the children are around can be challenging. Use these strategies to get more work done
during the day.
What's your favorite
strategy to squeeze in more work time during a busy day?
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