Amazon FBA Decoded: How to Make an Extra $200 per Day Net Profit Selling Your Own Products on Amazon in 100 Days by Erdal Gul: A Book Review
There are plenty of blog posts and books about ways to make money working from home ranging from being a writer or a virtual assistant, or selling on Etsy, etc. However, if you’re interested in something different, Erdal Gul’s book, Amazon FBA Decoded: How to Make an Extra $200 Per Day Net ProfitSelling Your Own Products on Amazon in 100 Days is a good place to start.
Gul says that in the one year since he learned about Amazon’s
FBA program and began selling through it, he has grossed $15,000 a month, of
which he nets $6,000 a month.
Book Contents
The book contains nine succinct chapters, which are packed
full of information.
Chapter One: What Is Amazon FBA?
Gul begins the book by giving a clear explanation of what
the FBA program is as well as the many advantages to it.
Chapter Two: How to Set Up Your Seller Central Account
In Chapter Two, he takes readers step-by-step through the
process of setting up a seller’s account in Amazon. Gul is based in Belgium, so international
readers will enjoy that he not only explains the process for those living inside
the U.S. but for those living outside the U.S. as well.
Chapter Three: How to Pick Money-Making Products on Amazon
Gul explains that there are products to sell that are
restricted (such as health and beauty items) and unrestricted items. For beginners, he suggests selling
unrestricted items. These items should
be physical items, and they should be in a field you are quite familiar with. He goes on to suggest how to scour Amazon for
products to sell.
Chapter Four: How to Find High Quality Suppliers
If you have no idea how to find a supplier, this is the
chapter for you. Gul explains the best
way to find a U.S. supplier or an overseas supplier. That’s not all, though. He also talks about how to compare prices and
make sure you find a quality supplier.
Chapter Five: How to Create Your Brand
To be successful on Amazon, you need not only a product to
sell, but also brand recognition. Gul
gives advice for how to create that.
Chapter Six: How to Create a High Converting and Optimized
Amazon Product Listing
An excellent how-to chapter, this one explains step-by-step
how to create the listing as well as compelling copy that will make potential
buyers want to purchase your product.
Chapter Seven: How to Get Your Products to Amazon’s
Fulfillment Centers
One of the most attractive aspects of the FBA program is
that you do not have to store the inventory yourself; you can have it directly
shipped to Amazon. This chapter explains
how to do that as well as how to monitor inventory.
Chapter Eight: How to Launch Your Private Label Product on
There are a number of ways to draw attention to your product
besides having friends and family review it.
Gul gives many strategies beyond the typical reviews that most people
think of first.
Chapter Nine: How to Manage Sales Tax
Forget to account for sales tax, and you’re in trouble. Take Gul’s suggestions to heart to maintain
your books properly.
Throughout the book, Gul offers Pro Tips such as making sure
that you set up your seller account separately from your personal account so
you can maintain a professional appearance.
Is This Book Right for You?
Working as an Amazon FBA is not typically mentioned as a way
to make a living as a work-at-home mom.
I love the idea, and Gul makes it seem completely possible (though I’m
not sure I believe it can be done in only 10 hours a week as he suggests.)
The book is full of solid instructions and offers
step-by-step advice, so if you’re interested in this line of work, this book
would be a good buy ($2.99 as an ebook or $10.72 paperback).
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