Remote and Work from Home Job Leads for November 15, 2016
Looking for a career in writing, customer service, transcription, or sales? We have found many at-home jobs in these fields! Welcome to our weekly Jobs spotlight, where we highlight some of the job opportunities that we have found for 1099 Moms and other employment from home.
Writing/Blogging/Photography/Social Media/Design/Marketing Jobs
- Freelance Reporter Needed for Hospital Newsletter
- Walking Dead Recapper Wanted
- FT Content Strategist Needed
- Starting Business Seeks Article Writers ($50/2000 words)
- Chatter Buzz Media Seeks a Marketing Blogger
- Fitness Marketing Writer Wanted
- Magazine Feature Writers Needed (pays $.20/word)
- Dramatics Magazine Seeks a Freelance Writer
- Real-time Social Editor Needed
- AppMotion Seeks Tech Journalists
- Full-Time IT Writer Wanted
- GameRant Seeks Gaming News Writers
- The Cheat Sheet Seeks a Freelance Slide Show Writer
- The Cheat Sheet Seeks an SEO Writer
- Post-Production Blog Post Designer/Formatter Wanted
- PFSK Seeks Content Professionals
- Content Writer and SEO Specialist Needed (pays $30/hr)
- Food Revolution Network Seeks an Affiliate Manager
- Teaching Theatre Seeks Freelance Writers
- TravelTicker Seeks Travel Writers (pays $100/post)
- Graphic Designer Wanted
- Tech Deals Writer needed (pays $25/hr)
- Wetpaint Seeks a Weekend Contributor
- DCI-Artform Seeks Freelance Art Writers
- FreeeUp Seeks a Digital Marketing Specialist
- FreeeUp Seeks a Graphic Designer
Customer Service/Virtual Admin/Transcription/Insurance/Coding
- Seeks Captioners and Transcribers
- Customer Service and Tech Support Reps Wanted (pays $9 - 12/hr)
- Allegis Seeks Transcriptionists
- Luxury Travel Agents Needed (select states)
- Collection Specialists Wanted (New England region only)
Programming/Tech Support Jobs
- Formstack Seeks Entry Level Support Engineers
- GE Seeks a Sr. Software Tech Support Rep
- Conseev Seeks a Web Hosting Support Star
(Note: we cannot verify each job listing. Please use caution when applying for any job. If you find that one we have listed is fraudulent, please let us know in the comments. Likewise, if you land a job we have listed, we would love to hear about it!)
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