1099 Top 10: Holiday Traditions and Celebrations

We like to regularly share our favorite posts from the Work at Home Mom niche. Some articles may come from Moms, but all of them will be great. Enjoy!

·         Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and with it, the start of the Christmas season.  Freelance Homeschool Mom reviews a fun Christmas book and shares a family tradition for the first 24 days of December.  (I'm so doing this with my kids this year!)

·         Speaking of Thanksgiving, if you're still rounding out your Thanksgiving dinner meal plan, Frugal Upstate has a delicious recipe for Cranberry Conserve.

·         Home Stories A to Z has you covered with frugal Thanksgiving decorations.

·         And if you want to save yourself from a stressful Thanksgiving day, Mom Advice has several posts detailing side dishes you can make ahead, including these mouth watering Buttery Bread Machine Rolls.

·         Perhaps you've decided to make the transition to WAHM and you've told your boss you're putting in your two week notice.  For some employees, though, the boss counters with an offer to keep you on.  Working Mother suggests what you should do in this situation.

·         Pro Blogger's wife has been blogging for 3 months now and has hit upon some techniques that work.  Are you doing all of these things?  If not, try it; you might get more reader engagement, too!

·         Real Ways to Earn Money Online has just published her first ebook, Your Guide to Taking Paid Surveys for Extra Cash.

·         If you follow a whole foods diet, you may feel that there are no coupons available for you to use.  However, Money Saving Mom dispels this myth.  You, too, can save at the grocery store.

·         Wise Bread explains why you should never bid on freelance writing jobs, no matter how desperate you feel.

·         Make a Living Writing asks if you're procrastinating or simply making a choice to not do something.  If you want to be a writer for a living but you're not writing, that's a choice.  Tough words, but a good message everyone who struggles with procrastination should read.

Thanks to everyone who was included in this edition's list!

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