The 1099 Top 10: Money for Clinical Research
Every other week or so, we'll share our favorite posts from the Work at Home Mom niche. Some articles may come from Moms, but all of them will be great. Enjoy!
- We’ve heard about those clinical studies that pay you cash to participate. This article can give some additional insight into whether it’s worth the risk.
- Being a high-fashion Ebay reseller can be a legitimate side-hustle (or in our words, a great 1099 Mom gig.) Get the inside scoop from someone who is making the bucks.
- While many Moms would be thrilled to get invited to a media event, asking from the get-go about paid expenses may set a negative tone (and could be completely missing the point.) Find out why.
- If you don’t know about affiliate tax nexus legislation, and you use Amazon affiliate links on your blog or website, this read is essential.
- You might be thinking that getting into the virtual assistant field is for you. This article from the other side of things (someone who is looking to hire one) offers some amazing ideas for promoting your skills.
- Avoid blogger butt (and other harmful maladies that working from a desk can cause) with these simple fitness tips for desk jockeys.
- Do you not have a resource page yet? Why not? Here are some great tips that cover the why’s and the how’s of doing it right.
- Distractions are the worst thing that can happen to your business, and keeping them in check is essential. Find out how to ward off the biggies here.
- Mommy moguls are all the buzz. But can you actually learn from us?
- We’ve been traveling for business a lot lately. If you need a great system for keeping your receipts in check while on the road (like we do), you’ll love this article!
*Photo credit: MelB via Flickr
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