Small Business Books All Women Should Read

Business books have traditionally been written by men for men.  (Recent news regarding how many women owned businesses did well despite the recession, however, leads me to believe that many of these books should have been written by woman.)  While I strongly believe that most of the advice designed to help a business thrive can be equally applied to both sexes, as a woman, the following books really spoke to me.

Here are the 5 books I recommend all women who are starting a business (or who want to grow their business) should read.

1.  Hug Your Customers:The Proven Way to Personalize Sales and Achieve Outstanding Results - Women are generally good at hugging, right?  This book challenges business owners to embrace their clients with warmth and professionalism in order to enjoy an increase in sales!

2.  Pushing the Envelope all the Way to the Top - Harvey Mackay is a favorite author of mine.  His tips for striving for the bigger better business is an inspiring read.

3.  The One Minute Manager - Classic business school reading, this oldie but goodie is still one of the most influential books today on prioritizing and getting things done.

4.  The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - Covey was a genius when he came out with this book, which can be adapted to help balance family and work, as well as run your business productivity and peace.

5.  Apples & Oranges - This out of print book is extremely difficult to find, and yet it is worth the search.  Written by Klas Mellander, this book literally teaches you everything you need to know about business finance.  It's written in a simple-to-read form, with lots of images to help you understand.  Think of it as the Cliffnotes of business finance.  If you can find it, snag it!  (If you offer a service, I would also recommend getting the "Service" companion workbook, as well.)  You can check sites like Alibris, Amazon, and ebay for used copies.

Do you have a book that has helped you survive the competitive world of business? Tell us about it in the comments!

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