1099 Top 10: How to Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude
We like to
regularly share our favorite posts from the Work
at Home Mom niche.
Some articles may come from Moms, but all of them will be great.
- Have you ever caught yourself complaining over things for which you should actually be grateful, i.e., "I have so much work, I'll never get caught up." That's a good problem to have.Heavenly Homemakers, in an oldie but goodie post, reminds us gently to stop complaining and start being grateful.
- Blogging with Amy continues her time management series, and this time argues that you can't-and shouldn't-do it all.
- Have you been out picking blueberries yet? Mom Advice has a super simple recipe to make homemade blueberry syrup. Yum!
- If you're lucky, you still have two or more weeks left before the kids go back to school, which gives you just enough time to implement The Mom Write's 15 Day Back to School Organization Plan.
- Do you really want to get ahead of the busy back to school season? Why not whip up a few meals to put in the freezer as Skinny Mom's Kitchen does? What a time saver!
- In their How Does She series, Working Mother features Brandi Temple, owner of the kids' clothing store, Lolly Wolly Doodle. Getting plenty of help from her husband is how she juggles her many responsibilities.
- If you're trained as a bookkeeper, Real Ways to Earn Money Online shares an online job that may interest you.
- Looking for a fun, yet educational game for the kids? Freelance Homeschool Mom reviews Typecrush. Sounds like fun.
to everyone who was included in this edition's list!
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