1099 Top 10: How to Overcome Facebook Frustration
We like to regularly share our favorite posts from the Work at Home Mom niche. Some articles may come from Moms, but all of them will be great. Enjoy!
Facebook's algorithm changes have meant that
fewer of your followers are seeing your status updates. You can give up on Faceook, or you can try to
learn how to get more of your updates through to your readers. Pro Blogger explains how to do the
latter and demystifies
Who couldn't use extra money this time of
year? Wise Bread shares 11
ways to make money online. With all
the choices, you're sure to find one you can do.
More and more people who have blogs are
considering publishing a book. However, About
Freelance Writing explains why not
everyone should write a book.
Freelance Homeschool Mom is on a mission to thank those in her
life during the month of November.
Sounds like a good challenge and one I should join!
Save money this holiday season by making your
own Christmas gifts. To get you started,
Mom Advice shares a list of 54 homemade
If you don't have the time or energy to make
your own gifts, Working Mother suggests 10
great gifts under $25 each.
If your garden produced a sea of squash or you
just like to eat in season, why not try Skinny Taste's Butternut
Squash and Black Bean Enchiladas?
Frugal Upstate shares a handful of ways to use up all of that Halloween candy! Put those sweets to a new use...
A mark of a successful person or business is
that you have some critics. Think about
it, any larger blogger has detractors. Social
Triggers explains how to handle those with negative
opinions about what you do.
Looking for a fun, educational, decorative
project to do with the kids? Why not try
I'm a Transplant from California's state
string art.
Thanks to
everyone who was included in this edition's list!
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