Why You Should Turn Down Jobs That Don't Fit with Your Business Mission
By Melissa Batai
When I first started working from home, I said yes to every job that came my way. My husband and I desperately needed any money I could bring in, and I ended up doing several low paying jobs that weren't mentally challenging or stimulating.
Over time, I grew to dislike those jobs more and more until
finally, a year later, I let several clients go. Simply put, I shouldn't have said yes to many
of the jobs.
They didn't fit with my business mission and goals.
I learned the hard way that if you accept every job that
comes your way, you sacrifice too much.
Sacrificing Time
We all have a limited amount of time. If you accept a job that doesn't fit within
your business mission, you're sacrificing your time for something that doesn't
advance your career or your business.
You're giving up time you could use for more productive work, to spend
with your family, or to exercise or do something else for yourself. The time sacrifice is almost never worth it.
Sacrificing Your Career
If you already work at home, you likely have noticed that
once you accept one kind of job and get good at, you'll attract clients who
want you to do the same kind of job for them.
This is great if you find jobs that fit your business model. But the reverse is also true. If you take and become good at jobs that
aren't really what you want to be doing, you'll likely keep finding more of
those jobs. Before long, work will start
to feel like a chore, and you'll be frustrated by your situation.
Saying no to any job, especially when you're just starting
out and need to make money, is difficult.
You can make this process easier on yourself by having a clear business
mission from the beginning. Then, you
can easily turn job those jobs that aren't a good fit and leave yourself
available for those that are.
Very good advice Melissa, thank you. I know you had to learn the hard way, which makes your advice more the wiser! Thank you for sharing that:0)