1099 Top 10: It's Okay If You're Not Perfect

We like to regularly share our favorite posts from the Work at Home Mom niche. Some articles may come from Moms, but all of them will be great. Enjoy!

·         Moms tend to put a lot of pressure on themselves to do everything right and to look put together.  Finding Joy reminds us that if you want to be a happy mom, you shouldn't do these 10 things.  Do you agree?

·         I can't wait to try Mom Advice's Berry Pecan Salad.  This looks so refreshing!

·         If you haven't made the leap to freelancer yet, Mashable offers 7 things you should do before you quit your day job.

·         I'm trying to get away from most commercial made cleaners, and recipes like Lynnae McCoy's DIY Easy Streak Free Glass Cleaner making doing so easy.

·         Looking for reading suggestions?  Frugal Upstate is sharing what's in her book bag this week

·         A computer is an essential tool for a work at home mom.  Wise Bread explains how to keep this expensive tool lasting almost forever with some simple steps.

·         It's hard to believe the 4th of July is right around the corner!  I can tell you one thing I'll be serving--Busy-at-Home's Cheese Cake Berry Bites.  (And I just might be also having these for breakfast!)

·         Have you ever wondered why some bloggers' pins are pinned thousands of times and you're lucky if you get 15 repins?  Wonder no more as BlogHer explains how to make your pins go viral.

·         Working Mother shares how mom and actress Kim Raver of 24 juggles the many roles in her life.

·         Real Ways to Earn Money Online has the perfect job for you if you've always dreamed of being a travel planner but also want to work from home.

Thanks to everyone who was included in this edition's list!

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