1099 Top 10: Are You Addicted to Blogging and Social Media?

We like to regularly share our favorite posts from the Work at Home Mom niche. Some articles may come from Moms, but all of them will be great. Enjoy!

·         The Art of Simple had a powerful story that reverberated with me (and I'm guessing with many bloggers and social media users).

·         Have homework battles begun already at your house?  If so, you'll love Lynnae McCoy's tips for encouraging kids to do their homework.

·         Wise Bread shows you're never too young to be a successful entrepreneur!

·         If you're just jumping on the Instragram bandwagon, you'll want to check out this photo tutorial by Hollywood Housewife.

·         Blog burnout.  Have you ever dealt with this?  Make It Blissful offers tips for overcoming it.

·         Thrift store shopping just got easier thanks to Mom Advice's tip explaining how to dye jeans back to their former color.

·         For those looking to get into the virtual assistant business, Real Ways to Earn Money Online has the scoop on a company that will help you get your foot in the door.

·         Are you as inspired as I am by the home offices featured on Working Mother?  I love the fourth office!

·         Natalme's DIY Map Magnet looks like the perfect (fun) teaching tool!

·         If you're self-employed and have a spouse who qualifies for benefits, you may need to rethink your insurance and retirement plans as Planting Money Seeds is doing.

Thanks to everyone who was included in this edition's list!

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