1099 Top 10: How Much Time Do You Save Your Clients?
We like to regularly share our favorite posts from the Work at Home Mom niche. Some articles may come from Moms, but all of them will be great. Enjoy!
The Work at Home Wife reminds us that as freelancers, how
much we make depends in large part on how much time we can save our clients.
Has your Bible reading routine become
stale? Lynnae McCoy shares ways
she’s gotten more out of her Bible study.
(I love the suggestion to listen to an audio of the Bible. I never would have thought of that!)
If you’d like to save on your grocery bill, Good,
Cheap Eats suggests joining
a store’s loyalty program rather than clipping coupons.
If home shows are your thing, you’ll want to
check out Mom Advice’s home
tour featuring her friend’s home.
What a unique and gorgeous home!
Our family was overscheduled this year, which
stressed us all out. When we get ready
to choose next year’s activities, I’ll follow The Huffington Post’s
guide to deciding
which extracurriculars to enroll my children in.
long should blog posts be? Pro
Blogger tackles this question, but just remember, there isn’t an exact
I do some of the activities
Life Hacker says successful people do, but I have much room for
improvement. How about you?
Even if you think you have a black thumb, Wise Bread has a list of
herbs and veggies anyone should be able to grow.
How generous are you? I love Spiritual Playground’s way
to practice generosity, but, I’m a bit embarrassed to admit, giving away my
much loved possessions would be difficult.
you pressured by well-meaning people in your life to have more kids or did
you face disapproval when you had more kids than they thought you’d have? Make It Blissful sounds off on just
these issues.
Thanks to
everyone who was included in this edition's list!
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