1099 Top 10: 7 Strategies to Encourage Your Clients to Pay on Time

We like to regularly share our favorite posts from the Work at Home Mom niche. Some articles may come from Moms, but all of them will be great. Enjoy!

·         One of the banes of a freelancer’s existence—the late paying client.  The Work at Home Wife has suggestions for encouraging them to pay on time.

·         A Turtle’s Life for Me has the perfect solution to help working moms get dinner on the table fast—make 46 meals in 4 hours.

·         You can’t go wrong with Good, Cheap Eats easy, frugal Crockpot Chili Mac!

·         Is your e-mail in box one large mess?  If so, Life as Mom gives tips for making it organized.  (I so need to try these tips!)

·         Everyone who blogs will one day be criticized.  To that, Make It Blissful suggests, let it slide!

·         If you’d like a slimmer, smoother shape, Lille Punkin’ highly recommends this tank.

·         Debt can happen to the best of us, especially if you’re self-employed and have a few clients who pay in a less than timely fashion.  Wise Bread understands and offers six ways to pay down that debt faster.

·         Love Pick Any Two’s list of 12 habits of highly productive people!

·         Mom Advice is back with another great list of books to read.  I get so many good book suggestions here!

·         Real Ways to Earn Money Online’s suggestions for doing work once and continually making money from it are genius!

Thanks to everyone who was included in this edition's list!

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