Review of The Digital Mom Handbook

We don't do too many reviews here at 1099 Mom, mostly because so many of the products and books out there are not all that impressive -- making it hard to recommend too many.  We may be a bit biased because the new book from Colleen Padilla and Audrey McClelland mentions us in it (Chapter 5 - Managing the Benjamins), but also because they are ladies that I've worked closely with on and off for years.  We would NOT, however, recommend anything that we didn't think was absolutely fabulous.  So here we go!

The Digital Mom Handbook: How to Blog, Vlog, Tweet and Facebook Your Way to a Dream Career at Home answers all those burning questions you have about mom bloggers and women in social media, as well as addresses the most important question of all:  "How the heck does she get XYZ company to pay her all that cash for just blogging?"  As we already know, it takes a lot of hard work and a little bit of luck, too.  This book really levels the playing field, however, by encouraging moms of all kinds to amp up their game by being motivated, educated, and well-connected -- things that can easily put you in a better position than your typical  "lucky" person.

What's to Love

My favorite parts of the book address terminology common to bloggers and online business types.  They discuss affiliate marketing, pay-per-clicks, blogging platforms, sponsorships, how to get more work, and how to make it all work around your family.  The authors are very motivated individuals, so they will be the first to tell you that you can't sit around and wait for it to happen!  They also take time to interview several very well-established bloggers and social media moms, who are actually making money.  They even go so far as to give you a hint of what kind of money we are talking about (even I was a bit surprised at how much money many of my online "friends" were making!)

How to Use It

All of this info may be a bit overwhelming at first.  I suggest that you take just one chapter a week and savor it.  Start playing around with the tips in the book.  Visit the recommended websites.  Just don't wait too long!  Like any book that is based around online success, many of the sites and links may be a thing of the past in a year.  If you want to get the most from this book, jot down the best tips and get started.  I would also say that this is one of those books that could read well in print or via Kindle.  Feel free to download it to your iPad or ereader to take with you everywhere.  It's that good.

The Bottom Line

Not too much of this book is brand, brand new.  I wouldn't say that I was hit over the head with anything that I didn't already know.  But, I consider myself a veteran blogger and make a full-time living in the digital world, so maybe that's why.  I think the important thing is that this book is PERFECT for newbies to the field, or just those who really wonder what it takes to make a living online.  It's a dose of reality mixed in with all the hand-holding you need to get in and get your small business started.

One thing that this book had that others don't is that it is truly comprehensive.  If you want to know something, it's likely in there.  It's a compilation of the best ebooks, videos, and how-to classes, added to the personal stories and anecdotes of several moms who have been there.  It's your everything guide to succeeding online.  (And I believe that's what these ladies really set out to do.)

I don't believe you can really go wrong with this book.  And we don't stand behind too many here at 1099 Mom.

You can pick up a hard copy via Amazon here or download it to your mobile device here(These are affiliate links.  You help to support the 1099 Mom site when you shop!)

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  1. Wonderful review. thank you so much for the review and for your contribution! Big hugs! See you at BlogHer in San Diego - I hope! xoxo colleen

  2. So looking forward to it, Colleen!


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