1099 Top 10: How One Blogger Got a Book Deal

We like to regularly share our favorite posts from the Work at Home Mom niche. Some articles may come from Moms, but all of them will be great. Enjoy! 

·         It is every writer’s dream—a book deal, and many bloggers are getting them.  Carol Tice of Make a Living Writing recaps how her co-authored book deal came to be.

·         Simply Made Home examines whether it is cheaper to buy some groceries in bulk; her calculations and strategies for stocking a pantry for less are helpful. 

·         Accounting can be the bane of the small business owner existence; make it less stressful by following The Work at Home Wife’s 4 tips for getting your accounting under control.

·         One of the biggest expenses of a 1099 mom is health care.  If you have trouble affording dental care, WiseBread offers some suggestions.

·         Looking for a hobby that might actually pay you money?  Real Ways to Make Earn Online has a series about entering sweepstakes as a hobby.

·         Want to help your kids create an easy, fun Father’s Day present?  Look no further than The Crafting Chicks’ Hand Print Tree.

·         Do you start your blog posts well?  You will after reading this tip from Blogging with Amy.

·         If you would like to increase your freelance work, My Multiple Incomes shares how to get hired freelancing.

·         Working Mother shares the inspiring story of Nancy Traversy who created Barefoot Books while raising four young children.  Her twenty year old business is now flourishing, and her four children are teens. 

·         If you home school, you have inevitably run into road blocks which may cause you to wonder if you are using the right curriculum for your childKeeper of the Home and several other home school moms express what they have learned throughout their home school journey and when it is time to make a curriculum switch.

Thanks to everyone who was included in this edition's list!

*Photo by Horia Varlan via Flickr

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